A Path for Man
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Raising Children in a Right Way
In any generation, the number one goal and the prerequisite for parents should be raising their children to have the ability to live a life by themselves and rightly, without causing any trouble to others, and to become a person fully charged with the spirit of self-reliance and independence.
This does not mean the academic achievement of knowledge. It means to let them be genuinely aware of the fact that without one’s own self-effort, it is not possible to attain the untainted and right mind of conscience, and all other things too. At the same time, when the parents themselves have the attitude to learn from plenty of real experience, from everyday social happenings, their learning will be realistically conveyed to their children as a valuable and an ideal lifetime education.
Such learning cannot be taught by word.
The only way to teach children about everything is through the parents’ attitudes toward life.
This is precisely the right education for children.
Everything starts from the parent’s attitudes, from which the children should be raised.
This is the obligation of the parents, to care for and raise their children.
Our regular annual family gathering on the second day of a new year is also the venue to inform and exchange the laws of the mind and our mind attitudes for the future with each other; the time to vow to God, praying for each of us as a member of the family to have a strengthened and shameless conscience; and the place to plan for an everlasting project.
It is certain that our family gatherings will naturally and constantly be delivered into the hearts of our children, and someday they will be the windows of the mind.
If the parents have a strong devotion to fulfill their duties, it will definitely work with their children.
“A determined soul penetrates even into a rock”
This is loving education for children.
Destiny is not made by chance.
Destiny is created and raised by the efforts coming from one’s mind.
A Path for Man
The Principles of Peace01
The Principles of Peace02
The Principles of Peace03
The Basics of the Mind and Material
The Meaning of Husband and Wife: A Whole Heart, Soul of My Life, and Life Itself
Raising Children in a Right Way
A Philosophy of Heart and Soul that Guides Us to Peace, Happiness, and Prosperity01
A Philosophy of Heart and Soul that Guides Us to Peace, Happiness, and Prosperity02
A Philosophy of Heart and Soul that Guides Us to Peace, Happiness, and Prosperity03
A Mind Dedicated to the Human World
Gratitude for All Living Beings01
Gratitude for All Living Beings02
Resolutions for Your Daily Life